Organization for the Advancement
Interdisciplinary Learning
Explanation of Hierarchy

Science and other forms of intellectual research attempt to explain what we see, yet we as
humans see things from so many different vantage points.  Our current view of science
divides our experience up into many fields, reflecting our humanistic yet fragmented
viewpoints.  All of our modern branches of science are interrelated but there is some reason
to think of them as distinct disciplines, at least for now.

The natural sciences are those that can be understood and proven definitively, they are
completely objective and are not up for interpretation.  These sciences include physics,
chemistry and biology.  Subjective sciences that are open to some degree of interpretation
include evolutionary biology, psychology, philosophy and to some degree cosmology.
Researchers in these fields generate a multitude of theories attempting to explain their

If it were the case that our objective sciences were more developed then we would reach
conclusive answers for the questions posed to us by our currently subjective sciences.  In
other words as our understanding of the fundamental, objective sciences becomes more
sophisticated,  the other subjective sciences will become increasingly objective.  After we
learn the basics we can generate correct answers to the more complicated questions
without needing to resort to interpretation, or guesswork.

The objective science of biology and the more subjective field of psychology are highly
interrelated yet we are far from understanding their interface.  All psychological
phenomenon can be explained by biology, however, because we have a very limited
understanding of exactly how our brain functions we cannot yet explain our thoughts and
behaviors from a strict biological standpoint.  We have a limited understanding of how
neurons (the fundamental processing units of the brain) function and we have a very limited
understanding for how they interact to create complex thought.  Modern neuroscience
attempts to bridge the gap between biology and psychology yet the three fields are far from
forming a comprehensible, cohesive science.

The many separate branches of science grow individually as researchers perform more
studies.  Each scientific advancement draws these branches of science closer together.  At
one point we should be unable to differentiate these discrete disciplines from one another.
They are currently individual but are destined to be a single science, an explanation of our

This hierarchy is very anthropocentric in the way that it follows both the creation and the
intellectual pursuits of humankind.  I do believe however, that it does a fair job of including
the many important disciplines necessary for understanding our world and ourselves.


Organic Chemistry
Quantum Physics